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Dealmih is an online platform that connects job-seeking people with job-giving people. If you are in search of a job, then you can easily get housekeeping jobs in Bhaktapur by connecting with us. We offer a group of dependable, highly skilled maids who can clean your homes and apartments. In accordance with your needs, we offer housekeeping services such as laundry, bathroom polishing, dishwashing, folding laundry, ironing clothes, and much more. Our demanding inspectors are pleased with the work of our maids and are sure that the housekeeping service is worthwhile.
You can also list job vacancies online in Lalitpur so that you will get connected with job-seeking employees through our platform. We also help people who want to start their careers in their respective fields just after their graduation. For this, we provide job vacancies for freshers in Bhaktapur so that people easily get connected with the people and will get jobs easily. Dealmih is a marketplace for job-seekers as well as for job providers where they can hire employees as per their needs and budget. You can also find care tacker jobs online in Kathmandu to take care of your newly born baby or adult people who require special attention for their living at affordable prices.